The thing is that there are likely more Catholics and Protestants doing this to us than there are Jews. BUT: It's ll based on Jewish philosophy. If it wasn't for Jews, most people wouldn't even know what is going on. It's from Jews that exposed all of this that I know about it. People in this movement listen to Mel K and Henry Makow and many other Jews. When people use the word "Jew" they mean religious ones, not racial ones. The Bible tells us to ignore geneology and to judge a tree by its fruit.

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This is disgusting..... I have noticed some of the same rhetoric on my GETTR page...... especially my pinned post of Anne Frank....... actually scary..... https://gettr.com/post/p1dt62k877c

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Nov 17, 2022ยทedited Nov 17, 2022

Karen, I am ditto. Born a jew, but knew early on that all religion is a control mechanism. I converse with God a lot, because I don't need an intermediary. These bigots are confusing the Khazarian mafia with actual Jewish religion. The KM worship Ba'al. Basically are satanists visa vie their practices. The top families are actually Italian with a smattering of Germans French etc, but they are all related and they use intermarriage (actually incest) to keep their blood lines "pure". But when truthers expose this and how they, under threat of annihilation from the King of Russia, chose to hide behind Judaism, well that information just sends these anti-jews into a furious rabid condition! They insist it's all Jews. I call them out on bitchute when I come upon it. My great grandparents were impoverished farmers, my grandparents were factory laborers. Our family were never in positions of wealth or power. I remind them that the Catholic Church, Christian churches and the Muslim religion were also infiltrated. Its infuriating. I worry about another Jewish genicide because those KM families caused the first one and frankly they would love to stir up a second one blaming the Jews for the world wide jab genocide. ๐Ÿ˜ฑ

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